A Food Plan for the Delaware River Waterfront: The Food Trust created a food plan for the Delaware River waterfront in collaboration with a number of local public and private sector partners. This plan suggests specific model and locations for development along the river.
Cooper’s Ferry Development Association: Cooper’s Ferry Development Association (CFDA) was founded in 1984 as a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to creating and carrying out economic development projects within the City of Camden.
Green City, Clean Waters: Philadelphia Office of Watersheds: The Philadelphia Water Department has undertaken a Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan. The plan aims to control stormwater while helping the area’s waterways. The plan involves studying Philadelphia’s combined sewer systems, rivers, and stream
Green2015: Green2015 is an action plan to add 500 acres of new public open space to the city of Philadelphia. This additional open space will help the city meet its sustainability goals as outlined in the Greenworks plan.
Greenworks Philadelphia Plan: One of Mayor Nutter’s goals is to make Philadelphia the “greenest city in America.” The city’s Greenworks plan hopes to achieve that goal by examining sustainability issues relating to energy, environment, equity, economy, and engagement.
I-95 Plans from PennDOT: Over the next 10 years, PennDOT will be replacing or rehabilitating tons of structural components, reconstructing and widening miles of pavement, and reconfiguring most of the interchanges from I-676/Vine Street through Academy Road.
North Delaware Riverfront Plan: The mission of the Delaware River City Corporation is to revitalize a sustainable riverfront corridor in Northeast Philadelphia by reconnecting the people, places, businesses, and neighborhoods of the City of Philadelphia and the surrounding region to the
Northern Liberties Neighbors Association: This non-profit organization promotes the preservation and beautification of our public spaces and assists in planning and monitoring the development of the Northern Liberties.
Philadelphia 2035 – Philadelphia’s Comprehensive Plan Update: Philadelphia’s Comprehensive Plan – the document that guides and controls future growth – has not been fully updated since the 1960s. The project will inform the new comprehensive plan, to be written over the next several years.
Philadelphia Bike/Pedestrian Plan: The Philadelphia Bike and Pedestrian plan will identify and prioritize strategies to increase the number and frequency of people walking and bicycling in the City by improving focusing on connectivity, safety, convenience, and attractiveness.
Philadelphia Zoning Code Rewrite: In the primary election of May 2007, the citizens of Philadelphia voted overwhelmingly in favor of creating a Zoning Code Commission to reform and modernize Philadelphia’s zoning code. This is a draft of the new plan as a PDF document.
Preserve Philadelphia: A Preservation Plan for Philadelphia: The city of Philadelphia boasts an extraordinary number of historic sites. The city’s Planning Commission and the Preservation Alliance are currently collaborating on the first survey of and plan for these resources.
Sustainable 19125: Sustainable 19125 is an initiative developed by the Partnership for a Green Community to make the 19125 zip code the greenest neighborhood in Philadelphia.
The Navy Yard: A project of the PIDC, the redevelopment of Philadelphia’s Navy Yard is remaking South Philadelphia’s waterfront. It will support more than 20,000 employees and over $2 billion in private investment at full build-out.