Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is seeking proposals from restaurateurs, artisan food vendors or individuals to lease space and operate a high-quality food operation within Cherry Street Pier. Provide a concept with a distinctive experience that will cater to visitors and draw people to the Delaware Waterfront.
Foster collaboration with artists, local food vendors, local spirits, and breweries to create unique food offerings that reflect the artwork in the surrounding space and help to create events that are indicative of the local Philadelphia art scene and culinary arts.
DRWC is seeking responses from companies or individuals with a solid background in the food service business to oversee operations, including the health department and another food/beverage-related agency interface.
DRWC hopes to capture the diversity of Philadelphia’s local fare and have a unique offering of menu items.
Preference is given to proposals offering interesting foods, with an emphasis on quality products offered in an attractive, appealing manner that highlights the growing culinary arts scene in Philadelphia.
The request was Released on February 7, 2023
Submit questions to on March 1, 2023
Proposals are due on March 8, 2023
Company Selected by March 2023/April 2023
Food Concession Program to Commence Spring 2023
Proposals should be sent to Jackie Lai, Director of Parks and Attractions, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation by March 8, 2023, by 5 pm, EST. Large files can be sent via Dropbox to
Review the full RFP below.