On May 29, DRWC held the first public meeting for the Spring Garden Connector project, which will address both streetscape improvements along Spring Garden Street from 2nd Street to Delaware Avenue, as well as artistic lighting at the I-95 underpass and SEPTA station.
Landscape architects from the RBA group presented a variety of concepts and ideas for the streetscape, including wider sidewalks, improved pedestrian crossings, and curb bump-outs.
Lighting artist Leni Schwendinger then presented her art concept for the underpass, which is inspired by the name “Spring Garden” and will use light to express ideas of plant tendrils growing along the underpass. Attendees reacted positively to the concepts presented.
Next the designers and artist will refine their concepts and work out technical details and phasing issues. DRWC and the design team will continue to meet with agency stakeholders such as PennDOT, SEPTA, and the Streets Department as designs move forward. DRWC is also working with the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) to ensure that work done on the connector street will fit into PEC’s plans for the future Spring Garden Street Greenway project.
More Information
Spring Garden proposal: Pockets of green gathering spots, art inspired by the street name (Via PlanPhilly)
Full Presentations:
Please note that these are early, conceptual ideas of what the site may look like.
Photos from the Public Meeting: