The southern section of the Waterfront offers a unique opportunity to establish a "Wetlands Park" between a series of abandoned piers, enhancing and revitalizing the area's resiliency and ecological vitality. 

The project stems from the Master Plan for the Central Delaware, which identified this part of the riverfront as ideal for ecological restoration.
The South Wetlands Park project focuses on the area just south of the base of Tasker Street through Pier 70 Boulevard, encompassing Piers 64, 67, 68, and 70. The finished park will offer new open space and waterfront access, environmental education and stewardship opportunities, and serve as a unique model for urban ecological restoration.

In 2019, DRWC, with a consultant team of landscape architects, ecologists, and engineers, embarked on a yearlong study of the South Wetlands site. The team studied soil, water, vegetation, terrestrial and aquatic species, anticipated future storm and sea level rise elevations, and structural pier elements to define ecological restoration opportunity zones, remediation needs, and public access points and pathways.

During the site analysis from Fall 2019 to Summer 2020, in-person and online public engagement events took place, from bioblitzes and storefront pop-ups to online 3D modeling and a Facebook Live presentation. This robust public engagement and thorough site analysis led to a completed concept design in 2020. 

DRWC is now progressing with the project's design documentation and regulatory permitting, which will center around habitat improvements through wetland creation and vegetated shorelines and improved site access through elevated boardwalks on existing pier structures.  

Want to know what’s growing there already? Check out the bioblitz results and add your observations on the project’s iNaturalist page. After you take the virtual tour, please share your feedback and take our survey about the design.

Explore the 3D model in the following languages: SpanishCambodianChineseand Vietnamese.

Please take our survey in SpanishCambodianChinese, and Vietnamese

Also, continue to check this page, follow us on social media, or sign up for our newsletter for updates on construction and phasing.

The project would not have been possible without the support of NFWF, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund partners. 

For questions and inquiries about the South Wetlands Park Project, contact our team at

The Project’s Progress

Location: South Philadelphia
Status: Planning and Concept Design (Fundraising)
Estimated Completion Date: TBD

Project Documents

The views and conclusions in this document are those of the authors. They should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and its funding sources. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, or its funding sources. 

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