The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity to invest in Philadelphia’s growing waterfront district. DRWC owns a 1.6 acre parcel between Vine Street and Callowhill Street fronting Columbus Boulevard, and is seeking proposals from qualified developers interested in creating a mixed-use project there that is consistent with DRWC’s mission and the values and goals established in the Master Plan for the Central Delaware. More information on how to submit a proposal as well as DRWC’s goals for the site (including those for the design of the site’s public realm and architectural details and the treatment of the historic West Shipyard which is located at the site) are included in the Request for Proposals found below. Proposals will be accepted until 4:00 PM on August 20, 2018.
More information:
- Complete Master Plan for the Central Delaware
- Executive Summary for the Master Plan for the Central Delaware
- Full Report for the Master Plan for the Central Delaware
- West Shipyard Archaeology Study